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This blog is all about the residents of Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint trying to Protect Ham Fields. Ham Fields is the ancient name of the green space which remains between Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint, the so called Strategic Gap, also referred to as land to the west of London Road, Hassocks.

Please feel free to e-mail us protecthamfields@gmail.com or use the Contact us form.

Sunday 1 February 2015

There is a new Planning Application!

In a surprising turn of events, Gleeson have submitted a new application.  Although this seems strange but lets not try and second guess the reasoning.

As previously a huge number of documents have been submitted, covering correspondence suggests that, and early inspection confirms, the differences relate to the provision of footways around the site, a french drain and associated balancing ponds.


Correspondence from the officer at MSDC indicates that

"Residents will need to write in again to object to the scheme or send a copy of previous comments under the new reference number "

I suggest that you all contact Kirsten King and ask her to copy your earlier objections and record them against this application.  You can contact her on 01444 477590 or e-mail her kirstenk@midsussex.gov.uk .  You could write something like;

"I wrote to you previously with objections against application number 13/03818/OUT , please can you record those same objections against application number DM/15/0266"

If you still have a copy of your earlier objection you can e-mail that to kirstenk@midsussex.gov.uk and to planninginfo@midsussex.gov.uk quoting reference number DM/15/0266 .


Regardless of any previous objection you made it would be really great if you sent an additional new objection about the Local Gap and the significant impact of the development on the Local Gap.  You should include the following;

"The Secretary of State made a determination in relation to TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – SECTION 77 APPLICATION BY THAKENHAM HOMES (SOUTHERN) LIMITED LAND OFF COLLEGE LANE, HURSTPIERPOINT, WEST SUSSEX BN6 9AB APPLICATION REF: 13/01250/FUL.  In his decision letter of 4 September 2014 the Secretary of State said;

although policy C3 is out of date in so far as it impacts upon the supply of housing, it continues to serve an important planning function in preventing the coalescence of the settlements of Hurstpierpoint and Hassocks and maintaining their separate identities and amenity, with no conflict with the thrust of the Framework. The Secretary of State has also carefully considered the arguments set out by the Inspector at IR13.21-13.23 and agrees with her conclusion that the proposed development would undermine the purposes of the Local Gap and change its character. He agrees that the Gap continues to serve a useful and much valued planning purpose (irrespective of the landscape capacity assessment of the site) and that an increase in built development would result in a small but nevertheless significant diminution of openness.

The Local Gap in question is defined as being from the rear of the gardens of London Road, Hassocks to the rear of the gardens in College Lane, Hurstpierpoint.  As the Secretary of State has already determined that reducing the Local Gap from the west provides a valid reason for refusal, similarly reducing the gap from the east must have the same consequence.

Local Gaps are of national importance, in the overall conclusion of his decision the SoS said;

The long established Local Gap is already particularly narrow and vulnerable in the vicinity of the application site, so that the proposal fails to satisfy the environmental dimension of sustainable development as set out in the Framework”. 

The point you are wanting to make is that this application would have a SIGNIFICANT negative impact on the Local Gap, it would contribute towards coalescence and be contrary to the decision of the Secretary of State.  It would also be contrary to NPPF 17(5).

In the coming weeks there may be some other issues that need highlighting, I am thinking particularly about traffic particularly as WSCC Highways believe there is no traffic problem here and that further development will not make things worse. 

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